Beauty Expert:Perricone MD 裴礼康 美容护肤品 8折+额外9折 -1.00元

发表时间:2015-08-07 03:13:17

Beauty Expert现有Perricone MD裴礼康美容护肤品,8折+额外9折,优惠码: XP10 ,支持国卡,满40镑免运中国。立即购买>>

Perricone MD裴礼康是美国非常出名的抗老品牌,具有显著的抗氧化功能。它家超出名的是*品,其护肤品也属精品。Beauty Expert上有折上折,英淘美国牌子的护肤品,打这期间价格还是可以的,并且能省去转运的麻烦,又避免代购的假货风险。


Perricone MD Vitamin C Ester Serum (30ml)Perricone MD High Potency Eye Lift 15ml
 £79.50  £57.24£78.00  £56.16£35.00  £25.20

Perricone MD No Makeup Set - A collection of products designed with Dr. Perricone’s leading antiaging skincare technology to restore the color of youth and impart the look of healthy, radiant skin.  #Sephora #skincare #valueset

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